If you are a just starting out as a golfer, it can be hard to know the best techniques to master the game. Putting is one of the trickiest things about golf and without access to private lessons, it can be a minefield getting the technique just right for your game.
Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about putting and some sources that may help with technique:
Should you hit down on the ball when putting?
Hitting down on the ball is not the ideal approach in putting. Unlike other shots in golf where a downward strike is necessary, putting requires a smooth and level stroke to roll the ball consistently. Instead of hitting down, focus on maintaining a steady, pendulum-like motion.
For more putting tips check out Putt Like A Pro
Should your head be over the ball when putting?
Yes, positioning your head directly over the ball promotes better alignment and consistency in your stroke. This allows for a clear view of the intended target line and helps you maintain stability throughout the putt.
Golf Monthly offers some valuable insights into proper putting posture and alignment: Putting Posture Tips
Should your hands be forward when putting?
Keeping your hands slightly ahead of the ball at address encourages a more controlled stroke and creates a smoother roll. However, avoid excessive forward press as it can lead to unnecessary tension in your hands and arms.
To explore guidance on hand positioning during putting take a look at: Putter Grip Styles
Do you push or pull when putting?
Neither. The goal in putting is to execute a straight-back, straight-through stroke, minimising any lateral movement that could compromise accuracy. Focus on maintaining a steady rhythm and keeping the putter on the intended line throughout the stroke.
Where should I hit the ball when putting?
Aim to hit the ball slightly above its equator, ensuring a clean and consistent roll. Hitting the ball too low can result in skidding, while striking it too high may cause it to hop and lose speed prematurely.
For more tips on ball position take a look at Golf.com's tips
Why do my putts go right?
Putts veering off to the right often stem from alignment issues or an open clubface at impact. Check your setup to ensure your feet, hips, and shoulders are parallel to the target line, and work on squaring the putter face at impact through proper grip and wrist control.
Golf Digest offers troubleshooting tips for correcting putting alignment: Putting Alignment Fixes
What Is the key to good putting?
The key to good putting lies in mastering distance control and maintaining a consistent stroke. Practice regularly on a putting green to develop a feel for different green speeds and refine your ability to judge distance. It is also important to build a confident and positive mindset to help maintain your performance under pressure.
Englandigolf gives great advice on how to stay calm and positive on the course.
Putting is often described as the most crucial aspect of the game, and rightfully so.
By honing your technique and understanding the fundamentals outlined, you'll be well-equipped to tackle any putt that comes your way.
Remember, consistency and confidence are the ultimate companions on the way to becoming a master of the green.